The Future of Affordable Health Care in an Aging Population
As part of the celebration of Kendal at Oberlin’s 20th anniversary this year, the program committee organized a symposium for Saturday, October 5, 2013, addressing the topic of affordable health care. Oberlin College was a cosponsor of the symposium, providing space and participating in the discussion.
The proceedings of the symposium took place in Warner Concert Hall at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music. In addition, many attendees chose to participate in the program via live-streamed video in the auditorium at Kendal at Oberlin.
Principal speakers and their topics in the morning session were (click on the links to see each speaker’s slide presentation):
Heidi H. Ewen, Ph.D., assistant professor of Sociology and gerontology, Miami University: “Relocation and Adjustment to Living in Senior Housing”
Frank A. Sloan, Ph.D., J. Alexander McMahon Professor of Health Policy and Management and Professor of Economics, Duke University: ”The Affordable Heath Care Act and the Future of Medicare – An Economist’s Perspective”
May L. Wykle, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N., F.G.S.A., Professor Emerita of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University: “Aging in Uncertain Times”
Moderator and chair of the program was Robert Longsworth, Ph.D., retired Oberlin College Professor of English, current resident of Kendal at Oberlin, and co-chair of the 20th anniversary program committee.
The panelists returned to the stage after lunch for a discussion session, including comments and questions from other participants. Following that discussion, Joyce Babyak, Interim Dean of Arts and Sciences and Associate Professor of Religion at the College, offered closing comments.
Panelists fielded comments and questions.
Robert Longsworth (left), Frank Sloan (right)
Heidi Ewen (left), May Wykle (right)
Joyce Babyak
Photographs from the Question and Answer Session