Bridge Group: To provide enjoyable bridge games in a relaxed atmosphere for people at all levels of skill.
Computer Users Group: To help each other by: sharing problems,
questions, tips, and advice on computer use.
A. several general meetings over the year. Topics will include areas of expressed interest to users as well as introductions to advancements in the development of computer use.
B. a committee of volunteers to serve as Computer Tutors in specific areas of computer expertise. The Computer Tutors can work with residents in their individual units or in the Computer Lab (PCs only). Specific arrangements must be made with Kendal staff.
C. an up–to–date list of members of the Computer Users Group (those who have completed the Computer Users Group Survey.) This list is useful in communicating with members on various topics.
D. keep a list of computer service providers as we learn of them from members.
Post: Computers for Resident/Staff Use at Kendal at Oberlin guidelines. This list specifies where the computers
are housed, which have internet access, and which have specialized
programs, such as PowerPoint, Photoshop, and the like. (Ira Steinberg, Eleanor Whitehead)
Craft Room: (Eileen Dettman)
Creative Arts Studio: To offer instruction, formal and informal, to those who sign up. To offer space for independent painting, individually or in a group. (Don Parker)
Open studio Wednesdays 3:30 - 5:30. Don and Joyce Parker offer lessons.
The 2015 Annual Report of this Committee is available here.
Drama Circle: Play reading in a group for personal enjoyment and
enrichment. (Meeting attendance by pre-registration)(Vicki Shafarman, Janet Smith)
The 2015 Annual Report of this Committee is available here.
Eureka!: To publish Eureka! , an occasional publication of original work by or about and for the residents of Kendal. It welcomes submissions of creative work of virtually any kind, including poetry, short fiction, reportage, analysis, social or literary commentary, drawings, cartoons, photographs and music. (Thelma Morris, chair; Robert Taylor editor)
The 2015 Annual Report of this Committee is available here.
French Language Dining: To meet each Thursday in the small dining room for
dinner at which only French is spoken. Normally we include a native
French speaker as a guest/informant. The person supplying the wine
pays for the guest’s dinner. (Irv Lewis)
Meets in the Den
German Language Dining: To enjoy and enhance previous experience with
German language and culture; to recall and learn among friends.
(Bernard Eckstein)
Meets each Tuesday in the Den
Spanish Language Dining: To converse in Spanish (or just listen), to learn, increase fluency, and have fun. Meet Wednesdays at dinner in the “Den”. (Herb Weinberg, Don Parker)
Genealogy-History Interest Group: To stimulate interest in genealogy and
encourage one another to organize, expand, write and present our
family histories and memoirs. (Nancy Hultquist, Don Hultquist, Marcia Goldberg)
Auditorium presentations are expected in 2016 on January 12, February 16, March 22 and April 19.
The 2015 Annual Report of this Committee is available here.
Jazz Listening: To organize playing of jazz music at weekly
meetings of residents. Music is played in audio and video formats.
(Del Jenkins, Harvey Culbert)
Meets each Tuesday at 9:15 a.m. in the Central Activities Room
Lunch Bunch: To plan Lunch Bunch
outings, in surrounding areas, monthly. (Elizabeth Aldrich)
Meets the 1st Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m. in Crossroads
Meet, Greet & Eat: Meet, Greet & Eat was established to give residents an opportunity to get to know other residents with whom they do not ordinarily dine, and to foster a deeper sense of community at Kendal at Oberlin. Anyone interested in joining the organizing committee is welcome to do so by contacting either Priscilla Steinberg, Sheila Eckstein, Kay Rider, Sharon Furrow or Gaye Laurell.(Sheila Eckstein, Priscilla Steinberg, Gaye Laurell)
The 2015 Annual Report of this Committee is available here.
Needlework: A social group that produces projects for themselves and others. Mending can be done for residents who truly need the help. The sewing machine is available for those needing one to do their own mending or projects. (Eileen Dettman)
Pet Concerns: To keep a roster of pets and emergency caretakers; to inform owners about cleanup rules, to mediate any irritations caused by pets and to help pet owners deal with any issues that arise. (Lois Friedman, Judy Tandy)
Play Reading: The committee (1) reads suggested plays,
(2) selects five or six per year for presentation in the Auditorium for
Kendal residents (there is no outside advertising nor admission charges),
(3) selects a Director who edits, casts and produces it. There may be an
after-play gathering with light refreshments and conversation.
(Jerry Berner)
No regularly scheduled meeting time
The 2015 Annual Report of this Committee is available here.
Science Discussion: To provide a venue for scientists to share items they find interesting. (Nancy Beauchamp)
SPINACH: To enjoy dinner together monthly with a short program on
a topic pertaining to nutrition. The acronym of our group’s name is for
Senior People Interested in Nutrition and Community Health. ( Ruth Miller)
Meets 4th Wednesday of each month in the William Penn dining room