The Kendal at Oberlin Residents Association (KORA) promotes cooperation among residents, administration, staff, and the Board of Directors of Kendal at Oberlin. With a commitment to openness, careful listening, and genuine respect for each other, the goal is to establish a true community in which individuals are nurtured by responding to one another with sensitivity, good will, and patience. All residents are members of KORA. Fifteen residents are elected to serve on the Residents’ Council.
Mary Behm(President), Charlotte McGowan (Vice President),Anne Palmer (Secretary), Bruce Richards (Treasurer)
COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL (Chairs in italics)
For further information click on the name of the committee.
Executive: Mary Behm, Bruce Richards , Anne Palmer, Charlotte McGowan
Finance: Phil Pritchett
Suggestions & Concerns: Anne Lockwood
Coordination: Joyce Benjamin
Stephens Care Center Liason: Phil Pritchett
Audit: Jim Walsh
Sue Palmieri (chair)
This committee is elected at the annual membership meetings, per Sections 4.3 and 4.4 of the Constitution. In case of a vacancy on the Committee, Council shall appoint a replacement to serve until the next annual meeting. (elects own chair, see above for current chair)
Arboretum – Anne Palmer | Archives – Phil Pritchett | Art – Marjorie Porter | Cardinal Shop – |
Care and Nurturing – Joyce Benjamin | Communications – Rollin Conway | |
Dining Matters – Barbara Pierce | Environmental Concerns – Anne Lockwood | |
Fitness and Wellness – Sandi McClennen | Horticulture – Anne Palmer | |
House – A. V. Shirk | Library – Rich Hall | |
Pet Matters – Anne Lockwood | Program – Elizabeth Hole | |
Sports and Recreation – Rich Hall | Thoughtful Medicine – Sandi McClennen | |
Transportation – Barbara Pierce | Website – Joyce Benjamin | |
Woodshop – A. V. shirk | ||
Facilities liaisons - Grace Tompos, Randy Wagner | Stephens Care Center liaison - Phil Pritchett |
10:00 a.m. third Thursday (except December, November and the Annual Meeting) . Will be via ZOOM and KOTV during covid restrictions.
Feb. 18, Mar. 18, Apr. 15 May 20, Jun. 17, Jul.15, Aug. 19, Sep. 16, Oct. 21, Nov. 11 (annual meeting), Dec. 9
1 week before KORA Council Meeting
4:00 p.m., Thursday, November 1, 2021 at 4:00 p.m.
Executive Committee
“There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the four elected Officers. The Executive Committee may meet on one day’s notice, and when the Council is not in session may exercise all the powers and duties of the Council. Three Officers shall constitute a quorum. Any actions taken by the Executive Committee shall be reported to the Council at its next meeting.”
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is charged with preparing a KORA budget for the coming year, working with the Treasurer and KORA committees on estimated income sources and proposed expenditures. Reporting to Council, the Finance Committee shall also monitor income and expenses compared to the budget, consider requests for extra-budgetary expenditures, and advise on investment of KORA funds.
Suggestions and Concerns Committee
The Suggestions and Concerns Committee is charged with listening to suggestions, complaints and concerns from residents, and taking appropriate steps to see that they are responded to within a reasonable time.
Coordination Committee
The Coordination Committee is charged with helping all Standing Committees, Subcommittees and Special Purpose Groups of the Residents Association to avoid duplication of effort, to communicate with Council and among Committees, Subcommittees and Special Purpose Groups and to resolve problems within and between Committees, Subcommittees and Special Purpose Groups.
Stephens Care Center Liaison

Phil Pritchett.
The special liaison to the Stephens Care Center shall facilitate communication between the Stephens Care Center and KORA Council.
Audit Committee
The Council shall appoint members of the Association to audit the accounts of the Treasurer for the current fiscal year. The Committee’s report shall be delivered to the President who shall have it posted on the bulletin board.