(1) To identify problems of
environmental sustainability that most concern us as individuals, as
residents of Kendal, and as members of the larger community;
(2) To educate ourselves and our fellow Kendal residents on these
problems and how they might be ameliorated; (3) To develop action
programs in response to these problems that we personally can
undertake and can also encourage others to undertake (a) as
individuals; (b) as a Kendal community, in consultation and
cooperation with the Kendal at Oberlin Board, the Kendal Staff, and
other committees of KORA; and c) in cooperation with the larger
community, including other Kendals, Oberlin College and the City of
Oberlin. (adopted 3/06/08)
(John Elder and Dina Schoonmaker co-chairs, Melissa Reed secretary, Jim Helm liaison)
Meets 2nd Wednesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. in the Green Room
The most recent minutes of a meeting of this committee are available here
The 2015 Annual Report of this Committee is available here.
Green hints, for newcomers and long-time residents.
- Update on “Fracking”
- Solar Evaluation Committee; Report to the Master Planning Committee 9 December 2015
Recycling: To maintain the current recycling program and educate residents and staff. (Jerry Berner)